The possibilities of Artificial Intelligence systems has already induced many dystopian and elysian visions. In most parts of human history, the idea of an omnipotent, all-knowing entity was reserved to gods. The human need to have the world explained by such entities has produced a multitude of different belief systems and religions throughout history.
DEUS-X- MACHINA takes a both philosophical and entertaining approach towards this fascinating topic. We aim to create chatbot personalities who will provide the audience to enter into sophisticated dialogues. The different chatbots will refer to their specific religious sources.
Topics to be discussed may include the most basic human questions such as “Why are we here?” and the general “Meaning of Life”.
A possibly hot topic ?!
We are happy to say that the project has been developped and discussed by a very diverse team. Our diversity spheres include religion, gender, language, age, educational background and sexual orientation and many more. During the development of the project we have had fascinating and mind-opening discussions. We are aware that the project may trigger a lot of discussions amongst our audiences. We hope to contribute to a culture of mutual respect and openmindedness.
Please find more info on the website of the project.
This subpage was last updated in February 2022. In case you are able to spot any typos or a blocked link, please do not hesitate and let us know by sending an email to including a link of the specific subsite.
We appreciate your feedback and hope you will have a wonderful day :- )
Please follow all precautions due to the pandemic.
Stay healthy 🙂
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