Projects with Children and Teenagers

Being a dedicated teacher Thorsten Kreissig has always aimed at fostering talents at all ages. Throughout his career he has worked with children and adolescents in many different countries.

His workshops using theater as a tool for personal development as well as his complete theatre productions with and for children have
been an inspiration to many generations .

Very often the youngsters in TeeKays projects are not only actively involved as actors and dancers but also as authors. Some of these young performers were so inspired they chose to go for a career in the arts or other fields related with performance.

From left to right: Marcel Ngyuen, singer Martina Koppelstetter, Benni Hackl, Thorsten Kreissig, Anna Happach

In the year 2000 German -Vienamese turntable star Marcel Nguyen and music cabaret artist Dominik Wagner, part of the successful duo of Ass-Dur (A-flat major), were involved in Kreissig’s Erik Satie production with the Munich Philharmonic.

Click here for the complete list of
pieces Kreissig’s pieces for young people. The following list provides an overview of general theater workshops for schools and associations.

Acting and musical theatre

Don Giovanni – Highway to HellRupprecht Gymnasium München2018
Drama ClassesAmerican International School Chennai, Indien2016
5/4 Jahrhunderte SchwittersSchwitters Gymnasium Hannover2012
Musical Workshop „Grease“Gymnasium Wangen2009
Building Europe NowLandessportbund Nordrhein-Westfalen2003
Theaterprojekt 1Förderschule München2001
ReewüühLandesjugendchor Niedersachsen1999
RodingaSchule Alpnach1999
Basic WorkshopBayrische Theaterakademie München1998
SchauspielworkshopITG Luzern, CH1998
Der GlasplanetSchule Alpnach1997

Being a dancer and choreographer Kreissig has also created many dance projects. See the complete list of childrens ballets here including links to videos.

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